Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weight Loss Tips: What’s Your Best Weight Loss Program?

Most people want fast weight loss, but this may be dangerous. Any weight loss diet should be gradual and disciplined, without being radical or extreme.

Natural weight loss is the best method and there are some easy daily tips, that don’t involve any weight loss pill or artificial drugs, for a balanced weight loss diet.

It’s important that at every meal, breakfast included, you eat protein. You should stop eating bread, pasta and other wheat and flour-based products.

By eating unprocessed foods, you are giving your body nutritional fuel. In fact, you should aim at having about 90 per cent of your food comprising of the following: lean protein, raw and/or steamed vegetables and whole grains.

Eat fruit, but eat more vegetables. Only have one piece of fruit daily, any only eat the low sugar, high fibre fruits like berries, plums, pears and apples. Avoid fruit juice because it usually has way too much sugar. Have some low fat nuts with your piece of fruit.

You should cut right back on dairy products, especially cow’s milk, although you can enjoy small helpings of fat free and low sugar yoghurt.

Alcohol and weight loss do not go hand in hand, so strictly cut back, or eliminate alcohol in your diet. Choose vegetables and fruit instead.

Use olive oil instead of supermarket vegetable oils like corn, safflower and sunflower. Where possible, apply olive oil to your food after it’s cooked.

Avoid eating the skin of fried chicken – the white meat is far more nutritional and has less fat.

Be very mindful of the amount and types of fat that you are taking in with your food.. Bad fats are in margarine and fried foods. The best good fats are Omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil. See if you can eat fish at least three times a week, but remember, no fried fish.

You should drink at least eight ounces of water each day for every 20 pounds you weigh. Whenever you feel hungry, have a glass of water.

The best weight loss program is the one about which you become very single-minded.

Hypnosis, either individual sessions with a hypno-therapist, or regularly listening to professionally recorded hypnosis sessions, can also be a good tool to consider in your weight management plans.

Hypnotism can ensure that both your conscious and subconscious minds are aligned in the desire to eat healthy food, to do regular daily exercise and to properly manage your weight.

Source: Free Articles from

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Monday, February 18, 2013

How to Lose Weight Without Dieting Even If You're Working on Your First 10 LBS

The term losing weight may leave a notion that you will need to be extremely strict with the food you eat. But the hidden fact is that you do not really have to overly watch out for the food eaten because you can get into shape even without a strict diet. Are you still wondering how to lose weight without dieting then? Here are the ways:

Choosing the right food to eat plays a vital role in the realization of a perfect body. Take in foods rich in protein during every meal. Examples are grains, eggs, and poultry. These foods actually stimulate the mind to have the feeling of fullness. With this, you will naturally eat in moderation without actually having a diet plan.

Control yourself not to over-stuff your kitchen with food. This can sound weird, but it can really help you take control over your body. Once your mind is set that you have just enough to feed yourself for a day, it will not force you to check the fridge from time to time for an unhealthy snack.

Also, limit sweets. Sweets are the number-one hunger triggers. You may feel at ease eating them, but they usually stimulates the brain to turn to a hunger state.

As much as possible, add fruits and vegetables to your meals. This will help get rid of the toxins that some pre-packaged foods come with. It also supplies the nutrients that the body needs to perform daily tasks at an optimum level..

Lastly, make exercising a daily routine. Exercise is the most effective way to get rid of the excess weight in your body. Being active also stimulates peristalsis, which helps your intestines release the bulk of wastes out of the body in the form of feces. With this, the body's metabolism is hastened, thus reducing retention of fluid and waste products that may add up to the total weight of the body.

There is never really a need to have a specific diet in order to be successful with your goal of losing weight. The answer is not to let your body crave for certain foods. Take small portions if you can. It will all boil down to the basics, like taking fruits and vegetables while exercising regularly. These things alone play a huge role in your weight loss plan and pose nothing but safety and effectiveness. There are also products on the market that you can try out to help speed up the process.

Losing weight the natural way is not as hard as it may seem and won't take long when you follow some basic strategies. If you're still struggling to reach your weight loss goals, I invite you to click on There you will find free meal plans, exercises, motivation, and much more to help you get into the shape you're looking for.

By the way, do you want to know a unusual tip that will help you lose weight while still enjoying all the foods you love? If so, click on this free presentation right away while it's still free.

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