Tuesday, June 21, 2011

7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight is never fun…and it certainly isn’t easy. But it doesn’t have to be really difficult either. There are certain strategies that anyone can use to help take off those unwanted pounds that are not complicated. These are little things that can be changed in everyday eating habits that could lead to getting better results.

Lose Weight by Eating Slower

Pay attention to the food that is being eaten and chew the food well. That way, the resulting flavor of the food is better. As well, when the chewing motion lasts longer the brain is tricked into thinking it has had enough food sooner.

Snacking to Help Lose Weight

Keep vegetable snacks on hand in the refrigerator. Having the right kind of snacks on hand and ready when carvings occur enable a person to reach for the healthy snacks and not for higher calorie temptations.

Less Food and Portion Control

Use a smaller plate. In this way, the eyes and mind are tricked by using a smaller plate to eat from. The plate will seem fuller, with less food on it. This helps to control portion sizes as well.

Unsweetened Cereals Can Help Lose Weight

Use unsweetened cereals instead of higher caloried sweetened ones. There is no doubt that the sweetened cereals have a higher calorie count. Try various brands in the unsweetened version, rather than the ones with a lot of sugar in them. For example, instead of Honey-Nut Cheerios, try just the plain ones. Or, instead of Frosted Flakes, try unsweetened Corn Flakes. Usually one finds that a lot of extra sugar in cereal isn’t really necessary for it to taste good. If something is really necessary to put on your cereal to make it taste better, try using a little cinnamon instead of sugar or adding fruit.

Read Labels to Help Lose Weight

Pay attention to labels when buying packaged products. Take a look at the sugar content and calories per serving on boxes and packages and compare them on different brand names. Often one type of cookie will have 8 gr. of sugar per serving while another may have only 2 gr. And, pay attention to what the packages say are the recommended serving sizes as well.

Healthy Weight Loss Regime

Have smaller meals, with snacks in between. Snacking isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Having smaller meals at mealtimes can encourage snacking. Choosing the right type of snack actually does the body a favor. Eating more often (but in lesser amounts) keeps the body working constantly to digest those calories making it a more efficient machine.

End Weight Loss Boredom

Vary menus so meals don’t get boring. It has always been said that ‘variety is the spice of life’ and that goes without saying with menu planning. If the same old diet food becomes boring, a person is more apt to ‘binge eat’ on unhealthy foods. If the diet meals are tasteful and varied, meal boredom won’t set in and the person will be more likely to stick to the diet.

Using the tips above will definitely be an advantage in helping to lose weight. Sticking to the diet and keeping a healthy weight will help anyone become more confident and happier with themselves.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Controlling Those Sweet Cravings While Dieting

One of the hardest parts of any diet is having to give up desserts and sweets. We all know that those foods are high in calories and do not normally contain many nutritious ingredients. But the problem is—they taste good and that makes them enjoyable to eat.

There are ways that you can control your ‘sweet tooth’ however. The following are some tips that might help you:

1. When you get a craving for sweets, eat fruit instead. Most fruits taste sweet and are definitely healthier and lower in calories that the normal sweet desserts that you crave. Eating a fruit can give you the sweet taste you want without adding a lot of the other calories and carbohydrates that can be detrimental to your diet.
2. If you are too tempted by that sweet dessert and you simply must have it, have only a nibble or a bite or two. Just that little bit may satisfy your craving without adding too many calories to your diet. And you won’t feel so deprived either, which may enable you to continue to diet successfully.
3. Brush your teeth after dinner instead of having a dessert. You can’t deny that toothpaste tastes sweet. The minty flavor and fresh feeling in your mouth can satisfy your sweet craving.
4. Use vanilla-scented lip balm. This can give you a hint of vanilla flavor that can help stop a sweet craving.
5. Read your food labels. There are cookies and other products available for dieters that contain few calories or carbohydrates. But you need to be careful and read the food labels to be sure which ones contain the least amounts. And be careful of the suggested serving sizes. Some packages will tell one cookie is a serving, while for others it may be three.
6. Eat any sweet things early in the day so that your body has a chance to burn off those extra calories.
7. Use artificial sweeteners in your coffee or tea, or when baking.
8. Having a artificially sweetened cola or drink instead of having a dessert of baked good can help satisfy a sugar craving.
9. Stay away from sauces and foods that contain high fructose corn syrup—like ketchup. High fructose corn syrup can neutralize the enzyme that tells your brain you are full, so that contributes to all sorts of other cravings and you can have a greater appetite all day.
10. Use your mind to control your cravings. When you are watching T.V. and those ads come up for all the great looking high calorie sweet foods, make your mind focus on what you want to look like instead of the food shown. It is simply a form of ‘mind over matter’. What you tell your brain to do is the most important.

You can have real physical needs for sugar-sweet things, or you can simply have ‘I want’ cravings. Of course the physical cravings are the hardest to overcome, but it can be done. Your body is probably used to having those sweet items, but after a few days of withdrawal you can win out over these cravings. Brace yourself and prepare yourself in how to deal with those cravings and believe that they will get better with each day you are on your diet.

101 Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight- Many people need help when trying to lose weight. This new e-book "101 Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight" gives real everyday diet tips you can use to lose weight successfully. On Amazon's Kindle for ONLY $0.99!!

Diet and Lose Weight Ebook- Now you can benefit from a diet guide that will tell you exactly what dieting means and what you need to do to lose weight. Get it on Amazon's Kindle!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Exercise Videos to Help You Lose Weight

If you are interested in losing weight, you may want to look into doing exercises with an exercise video. Everyone knows that dieting alone is not enough to help you lose weight and keep it off. Exercise can be a vital part of any weight loss plan. Exercise videos, also commonly referred to as workout videos, are a great addition to any weight loss program.

If you have bought workout videos before, you will know how many weight loss videos there are on the market today. There are videos promoted by celebrities and movie stars, famous athletes and various fitness trainers, all claiming to be the number one video to buy to help you get in shape. There are videos with everything from tips in weight loss equipment (and its usage) to Pilates training, and more. There are a lot of videos to choose from and consider, but you need to get one that will suit you and your lifestyle, while at the same time succeeds in helping you to lose weight and get fit. This isn’t as easy to do as you may think. You may have to go through a lot of exercise videos before you find one that is really right for you. That is why you should shop for them differently.

When it comes to buying exercise videos for yourself, as a part of your weight loss program, there are number of important factors that you may want to take into consideration. These factors will not only make buying exercise videos for yourself easier, but they will also help to ensure that you choose the exercise video or videos that are best for you and your own personal needs. A few of the many factors that you should take into consideration, when buying an exercise video are outlined below.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when buying exercise videos as a part of your weight loss plan, is the type of exercises that you want to do. For instance, you often get to choose between traditional aerobic videos, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, and so forth. To spice up your weight loss plan and to keep it fun and exciting, you may want to think about buying a collection of exercise videos, particularly a mixture of them.

Another one of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when buying an exercise video for your weight loss program, is difficulty. What you need to remember is that many workout videos come in sessions. For instance, it is possible to find kickboxing videos that are designed for beginners, those at the intermediate level, as well as those at an advanced level. You want to make sure that you choose the right video for your skill and endurance level. If you are not careful, you may end up with an advanced workout video that you cannot even use, as you are unable to keep up with the instructor.

Cost is another factor that you may want to take into consideration, when buying workout videos or exercise videos for yourself. In your search for exercise videos, you will find that they are sold in a wide range of prices. Some are affordable, others are a little bit more costly, and many are downright expensive. Of course, the expensive workout videos may be worth the cost, but you never really know until you order them. One way to help make sure that you are spending your money wisely is to search for exercise video reviews online. This can often be done with a standard internet search. Read reviews from other people who have used the exercise routine outlined on the video to find how other people liked it.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you may want to take into consideration when buying exercise videos to incorporate into your at-home weight loss program. Most times, you will find that any exercise video is better than no video at all, but taking the time to find the perfect one will likely make your weight loss program much more enjoyable.

101 Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight- Many people need help when trying to lose weight. This new e-book "101 Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight" gives real everyday diet tips you can use to lose weight successfully. On Amazon's Kindle for ONLY $0.99!!

Diet and Lose Weight Ebook- Now you can benefit from a diet guide that will tell you exactly what dieting means and what you need to do to lose weight. Get it on Amazon's Kindle!