Monday, May 31, 2010

Diet with Soups

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Of course there are many so called ‘diet foods’ that can help you lose weight. Think of all the celery and carrot sticks, and the salads. Those are nice, crispy foods that you can munch on, but sometimes you want something warm and comforting. Did you know that soups are also great choices for dieters?

When you want to diet and lose weight, you need to eat foods that are low in calories. Most soups contain few calories because they are made with mostly vegetables. Everyone has heard of the famous Cabbage Soup Diet that allows you a significant amount of weight loss within a short period of time.

Soups are a very healthy meal choice that can help you lose weight as well. In fact, you can get all your dietary and nutritional needs from a bowl of soup. Consider that a nice bowl of soup will contain the protein your body needs in the meat and the broth, the vitamins and roughage from the vegetables and even some starch or carbohydrates from the noodles, rice or potatoes it may contain. (Of course, you can omit the noodles, rice or potatoes if you are on a low or non-carbohydrate diet.)

Consider also that soups contain very little fat. Vegetables do not contain fat, so the only fat in the soup would come from the meat that may be in the some soups. But, not all soups contain meat either. So soups are also a low-fat dietary choice.

Using soups as part of your diet plan also allows you to create variation in your diet menus. There are as many types of soups that you can eat as there are days in a year (or more!) With most diets, however, it is best to stick to the clear soups instead of the creamed ones that contain higher calories.

When you decide to make soup for your diet, you really don’t have to fuss or use a recipe either. Throwing the vegetables you like in a pot of beef, chicken or even vegetable broth can produce great tasting results. Add a few onions here, a bit of garlic there, a can of diced tomatoes or other vegetables, some spices and you will end up with a different taste experience each time. Variety on a diet is very important to help you stick to your diet plan so that you do not get bored eating the same foods day in and day out.

Adding soups to your diet to lose pounds also allows you to share the same foods you are eating with your family. Soups are not really perceived as a specific ‘diet food’ so everyone in the family can enjoy the same meal. Just add a bit of fresh bread or crackers to their meal.

Soups can also be perceived as a comfort food so that you can feel more satisfied with the foods you are allowed to eat on your diet. Think of sitting by a rosy fire on a cold winter day wrapped in a cozy blanket and sipping on a mug of hot soup. Won’t you feel like you are having a treat instead of being on a diet?

So next time you consider your weight loss, consider eating soup. The endless variety will help you satisfy your taste buds, and the low fat and calories will be in line with the weight you want to lose on your diet. Soups are a great choice for dieters.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting Diet Support

Dieting is never easy. In fact, it is one of the hardest things to do. It is not like giving up smoking where you can quit ‘cold turkey’. You still have to eat, and you have to watch others eat the things that you can no longer enjoy. The temptations are great and you have to be very strong willed in order to succeed.

One of the most helpful things you can do for yourself when you are on a diet to lose pounds is to have some sort of support system to help you keep on track. Using a support system or weight loss aid of some sort means that you do not have to go through the dieting process alone.

You can use the support system you have chosen to back you up when those weak moments occur. You can use your support system to guide you along the correct path of your diet. You can share your thoughts and fears with your support system and gain morale and encouragement.

There are various routes you can go to choosing a diet support system that is right for you. You may want a private one-on-one system where you can pour out your heart about your dieting dilemmas to one person. You may prefer a group discussion where you can get different people’s take on the diet you are on. You may want to keep it ‘in-house’ and only share your problems with your family. Or you may want to stay totally anonymous and choose to get support from a web based system.

A one-on-one diet support system may consist of you joining one of the numerous diet clinics that are sure to be available in your town area. It could be Jenny Craig, Dr. Bernstein’s Diet Clinic or one of the many other clinics available. In one of these programs you would have a chance to voice your concerns and get support from a trained professional, usually during a face-to-face meeting.

A group diet discussion group would be one like Weight Watchers. During these meetings you would get to hear from other people who are on the same diet you are. You can learn tips to help you along the diet and be encouraged by people who have encountered many of the same problems dieting that you may be facing.

You can also get support from your own family. The support your family could provide may consist of simply eating most of the same foods that you are, or just not eating the tempting foods in front of you. Your family may have to give up a little of the things they like in order to help you diet successfully. Your family could also encourage you with their love and words of support.

There are also many types of web-based forms of diet support. You may choose to read articles to help encourage you to continue on your diet. You may choose to subscribe to newsletters to get information and tips on dieting. You may wish to join a forum where you can discuss dieting problems with other like-minded individuals. You also may want to join a diet program that is primarily web-based that may offer a particular diet or even diet recipes.

Whichever method of diet support you choose, getting some form of weight loss aid while you are dieting is very beneficial. It will help you to keep on track and not feel that you are going it alone. You can share your thoughts and problems with others, which may lead you toward dieting success.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Diet Snacks

When you are dieting it is often likely that you may get hungry between meals. In your past life (before your diet) you would probably reach for the closest and handiest thing at hand to satisfy those hunger cravings. It might have been chips or ice cream or some other very fattening food item that was easy to grab and eat. Now that you are watching everything that you eat, you need to plan for those diet snack times more carefully.

Do not be alarmed though. Snacking when you are dieting is not necessarily a bad thing. Most dieticians tell you that eating smaller meals and having snacks in between is actually better for you. Eating in this way keeps your body metabolism digesting those foods so it is constantly working to burn your body’s fat. You just need to have the right snacks and you need to have control over the snacks you eat.

Diet snacks do not have to be just carrot and celery sticks, although having a bunch of these cut up and ready to go in the fridge might be helpful when you want to grab something quickly. Other healthy diet snacks can include a variety of good tasting and satisfying foods.

Fruit always makes a good diet snack. It is handy, easy to eat and tasty. Fruit can also help satisfy that sweet craving you may have. Keeping crisp apples or pears in the fridge, or having strawberries cut and ready will always make a welcome snack. Try making up a fruit salad with a bunch of different fruits ready in a bowl in the fridge for something a little more special. You can take this easily in a container for a snack at work too. You can even buy frozen fruit salad mix in your grocer’s freezer section if you don’t want the work of cutting up the fruit yourself.

Another great snack that is healthy, low-calorie and delicious might be a fruit shake or fruit smoothie. All you have to do is add some fruit (frozen or fresh) to your blender with milk. You can even add a touch of sugar-substitute for sweetening if you find it necessary. These fruit shakes can really be tasty and help you feel satisfied. You can also eliminate the milk and just make it with fruit blended together (add a little orange or lemon juice to help make it smoother.)

Another healthy diet snack could include yoghurt. There are so many flavors available in your grocery store. You can get ones that have zero calories as well that are really great tasting.

Your grocery store also now stocks packs of snacks that are in the 100 calorie range. Depending on the type of diet you are on (whether or not it is low carbohydrate or not) you may be able to pick up diet sized snacks of cookies or other favorite items that can work well with your diet. Already knowing how many calories these snacks contain can help you plan your daily calorie count to include these snacks.

The real trick to snacking on your diet though is to be prepared. Be prepared for those hunger cravings that may sneak up on you by having the right snacks on hand. Stock up on the store bought ones and keep something in your purse or briefcase for just those occasions. Have veggies and fruit handy in the fridge at home so that you can reach for them before settling for the chips or ice cream. When you have time, prepare special snacks like the fruit smoothies to avoid feeling that you are deprived of special treats all the time.

Use your diet snacks to keep on track on your diet. Using snacks between meals can help keep your metabolism working constantly to burn those calories and help you lose weight more rapidly. Snacking on your diet can actually be a very good thing.

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