Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Diet Snacks

When you are dieting it is often likely that you may get hungry between meals. In your past life (before your diet) you would probably reach for the closest and handiest thing at hand to satisfy those hunger cravings. It might have been chips or ice cream or some other very fattening food item that was easy to grab and eat. Now that you are watching everything that you eat, you need to plan for those diet snack times more carefully.

Do not be alarmed though. Snacking when you are dieting is not necessarily a bad thing. Most dieticians tell you that eating smaller meals and having snacks in between is actually better for you. Eating in this way keeps your body metabolism digesting those foods so it is constantly working to burn your body’s fat. You just need to have the right snacks and you need to have control over the snacks you eat.

Diet snacks do not have to be just carrot and celery sticks, although having a bunch of these cut up and ready to go in the fridge might be helpful when you want to grab something quickly. Other healthy diet snacks can include a variety of good tasting and satisfying foods.

Fruit always makes a good diet snack. It is handy, easy to eat and tasty. Fruit can also help satisfy that sweet craving you may have. Keeping crisp apples or pears in the fridge, or having strawberries cut and ready will always make a welcome snack. Try making up a fruit salad with a bunch of different fruits ready in a bowl in the fridge for something a little more special. You can take this easily in a container for a snack at work too. You can even buy frozen fruit salad mix in your grocer’s freezer section if you don’t want the work of cutting up the fruit yourself.

Another great snack that is healthy, low-calorie and delicious might be a fruit shake or fruit smoothie. All you have to do is add some fruit (frozen or fresh) to your blender with milk. You can even add a touch of sugar-substitute for sweetening if you find it necessary. These fruit shakes can really be tasty and help you feel satisfied. You can also eliminate the milk and just make it with fruit blended together (add a little orange or lemon juice to help make it smoother.)

Another healthy diet snack could include yoghurt. There are so many flavors available in your grocery store. You can get ones that have zero calories as well that are really great tasting.

Your grocery store also now stocks packs of snacks that are in the 100 calorie range. Depending on the type of diet you are on (whether or not it is low carbohydrate or not) you may be able to pick up diet sized snacks of cookies or other favorite items that can work well with your diet. Already knowing how many calories these snacks contain can help you plan your daily calorie count to include these snacks.

The real trick to snacking on your diet though is to be prepared. Be prepared for those hunger cravings that may sneak up on you by having the right snacks on hand. Stock up on the store bought ones and keep something in your purse or briefcase for just those occasions. Have veggies and fruit handy in the fridge at home so that you can reach for them before settling for the chips or ice cream. When you have time, prepare special snacks like the fruit smoothies to avoid feeling that you are deprived of special treats all the time.

Use your diet snacks to keep on track on your diet. Using snacks between meals can help keep your metabolism working constantly to burn those calories and help you lose weight more rapidly. Snacking on your diet can actually be a very good thing.

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