Tuesday, June 21, 2011

7 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight is never fun…and it certainly isn’t easy. But it doesn’t have to be really difficult either. There are certain strategies that anyone can use to help take off those unwanted pounds that are not complicated. These are little things that can be changed in everyday eating habits that could lead to getting better results.

Lose Weight by Eating Slower

Pay attention to the food that is being eaten and chew the food well. That way, the resulting flavor of the food is better. As well, when the chewing motion lasts longer the brain is tricked into thinking it has had enough food sooner.

Snacking to Help Lose Weight

Keep vegetable snacks on hand in the refrigerator. Having the right kind of snacks on hand and ready when carvings occur enable a person to reach for the healthy snacks and not for higher calorie temptations.

Less Food and Portion Control

Use a smaller plate. In this way, the eyes and mind are tricked by using a smaller plate to eat from. The plate will seem fuller, with less food on it. This helps to control portion sizes as well.

Unsweetened Cereals Can Help Lose Weight

Use unsweetened cereals instead of higher caloried sweetened ones. There is no doubt that the sweetened cereals have a higher calorie count. Try various brands in the unsweetened version, rather than the ones with a lot of sugar in them. For example, instead of Honey-Nut Cheerios, try just the plain ones. Or, instead of Frosted Flakes, try unsweetened Corn Flakes. Usually one finds that a lot of extra sugar in cereal isn’t really necessary for it to taste good. If something is really necessary to put on your cereal to make it taste better, try using a little cinnamon instead of sugar or adding fruit.

Read Labels to Help Lose Weight

Pay attention to labels when buying packaged products. Take a look at the sugar content and calories per serving on boxes and packages and compare them on different brand names. Often one type of cookie will have 8 gr. of sugar per serving while another may have only 2 gr. And, pay attention to what the packages say are the recommended serving sizes as well.

Healthy Weight Loss Regime

Have smaller meals, with snacks in between. Snacking isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Having smaller meals at mealtimes can encourage snacking. Choosing the right type of snack actually does the body a favor. Eating more often (but in lesser amounts) keeps the body working constantly to digest those calories making it a more efficient machine.

End Weight Loss Boredom

Vary menus so meals don’t get boring. It has always been said that ‘variety is the spice of life’ and that goes without saying with menu planning. If the same old diet food becomes boring, a person is more apt to ‘binge eat’ on unhealthy foods. If the diet meals are tasteful and varied, meal boredom won’t set in and the person will be more likely to stick to the diet.

Using the tips above will definitely be an advantage in helping to lose weight. Sticking to the diet and keeping a healthy weight will help anyone become more confident and happier with themselves.

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