Sunday, June 6, 2010

Change Your Relationship with Food

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Food should never be a main focus in your life. Food should sustain your body and be a source of some pleasure, but like many people do, it should not be the main focus in your lives. That is one reason so many people are overweight. If you put food more into perspective in your life, you are more apt to gain control of your weight.

You may often use as a form of entertainment. Instead of going out for a healthy alternative, like going for a walk, a bike ride or playing tennis, like many people you may focus your outings on going out to eat. Of course food can be part of your entertainment, like meeting friends for dinner, but the main purpose of the outing should be to spend time with your friends and not for actual food you are going to eat.

If you are like many people, you may also resort to food when you are in need of comforting. You may find that food makes you feel better if you are depressed or stressed about something. Food becomes something solid you can count on to take the place of all the bad things that may be happening. It is a common error that many people make. What you need to do is to stop using food in that manner. Turn to a loved one for comfort, or have someone else to talk to instead.

Food should also not be used as a form of reward. You may tell yourself that if you accomplish that difficult task, you will reward yourself with a big ice cream sundae. You may even pass this reward-type system on to your children, saying that if they are good they will get a lollipop or some other treat. Rewards should come in a different manner. There are other ways to reward yourself for your accomplishments. How about a spa visit, a new pair of shoes or even just down-time soaking in a hot bubble bath?

What you need to do is to stop focusing on food as a main player in your life. You should look at food as a substance your body needs, but you also may need to change your relationship with food. Look for others things to bring you comfort. Look for other healthier ways to entertain yourself. Find other forms of rewards that will make you happy.

It is up to you to change your relationship with food. If you stop focusing on food for all your pleasure in life, you will begin to see how much weight you will lose. No longer will you be spending a lot of time planning what, when and where you eat. You will have time to be involved in other healthier activities, some of which will probably be physical which in turn will help you keep your weight in control. Then too when you do eat, you can eat to sustain your body alone and thereby eat less.

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