Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spice Up Your Diet Vegetables

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One of the biggest problems that you as a dieter often face is boredom. You are often eating the same boring diet foods day in and day out. Eating boring foods can make you crave for the better tasting higher calorie foods that you are missing. It can cause you to slip off your diet very easily.

Lettuce and carrots and other healthy vegetables don’t have to be eaten raw all the time, or steamed with little or no taste. What you need to do is to add a little spice to your diet foods and make them interesting. In that way, you will be able to enjoy the foods you are eating and be more apt to stick to your diet.

Of course, when you are dieting it is recommended that you cut down on butter and salt, and unfortunately that is what normally makes vegetables taste really good. But, by changing the herbs and spices you add to vegetables you can really make a difference in the taste.

To give you an example, how about adding a little nutmeg to your steamed carrots instead of butter? Or add a bit of mint to your salad greens to freshen up the flavor. You could even add a little heat when you are stir-frying your veggies by adding a hot jalapeno pepper. (Talk about jacking up the taste buds!)

Experiment with herbs and spices. The herbs like basil, oregano and thyme are excellent choices to bring out the flavor in many vegetables. Why not try cooking vegetables with sage added to the water to give them a little extra flavor. Even adding a little extra black pepper to vegetables (instead of salt) can make a difference.

Adding curry to your vegetables can take them to a whole new level of taste as well. Try different ethnic spices to give your veggies a boost. How about trying Chinese 5-spice (you can find this at local spice markets or specialty stores)? Give your green beans an added kick by adding chili seeds, just as you would to a homemade Mexican chili dish.

There are many different spices on the market that you can add to change the flavor of your everyday vegetables. And one of the best things about adding spices to your vegetables is that you are not adding calories. The point of adding more spice to your diet vegetables is to increase the taste sensation so that you enjoy what you are eating. Eating foods that become boring when you have to eat them often can certainly cause you to want to go off of your diet. By spicing up your veggies and making them a bit different each time can help you stay on your diet longer.

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