Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dieting and Dining Out

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There is no doubt about it, dining out when you are on a diet can be very stressful. This is especially true for people that love to eat and like food a lot. Although it may seem like torture, there is a way for you to eat out and still be true to your diet. You do not need to splurge or overeat when you go out to a restaurant. And, with that said, there is no reason you have to give up dining out all together. Consider that the reason you are dieting is to make you feel better (both mentally and physically) so you should not have to feel deprived at all times.

When you do go out to eat to at that fancy restaurant, the menu may present challenges for you, but it is nothing for you to get all worked up about. The foods on the menu may appear so fattening and delicious that you may be tempted to overdo it. You need to relax and think logically about what you order. Try eating more of your favorite salad or add a soup before you consider the main menu entrée. Sometimes you have to watch what type of soup and salads you are eating though. Some are rich in calories, especially those with lots of cream, and leave you feeling even hungrier than you were before. Try to order things like a broth-based vegetable soup or a salad with lemon or the dressing on the side so you can control the amount of calories you eat.

You also have to be careful in restaurants because many restaurants will give you more food than just one serving size. Portion control is a large part of dieting, so consider the size of the portions you get in a restaurant and eat accordingly.

It is easy to have guilty pleasures with food when you are eating at a restaurant. Many restaurants will have diet options along with the other meals choices, but it can still be hard to pass up the tempting high-calorie items. Choose to make your meal healthier and more diet-friendly by making the right menu choices. One example is to order a side salad instead of the fries that most likely come with a meal at a fast food place. If you do order a burger, choose to eat only half of the bun (you still get the same taste) and try ordering it without the cheese or high-calorie toppings (like mayonnaise).

The sauces that come with many restaurant entrees for a lot of people are hard to resist. But they are a large source of fat and calories that really add up. It is good to remember that the creamy sauces are worst for your diet. Meat and chicken sauces, light salad dressings and on the side cream sauces help you keep your fat intake to a reasonable level.

When you are dining out in a restaurant while trying to diet, having control is very important. Try to make good choices and healthy decisions that go along with your diet plan. Also try to keep the portions served to what is compatible with your chosen diet. Remember that the food is only a small part of the dining out experience. Dining out is a fun activity that you can share with friends or loved ones. Make that the focus of the outing instead of the food. By changing the way you think about dining out, you can stick to your diet and still have an enjoyable time eating out.

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